49 South Antiques and Flea Market

Contact Information
3977 US 49, Florence, Mississippi 39073, United States
Detailed Information
49 South Antiques & Flea Market opened June 2005, which happened to be the summer the City of Jackson closed down the Steel Building Flea Market. “We had a booth in the old building, and suddenly we had calls from vendors anxious to relocate with us. What started out as a nudge, quickly became a business”, said Judy Brasher.
With around 79 vendors, the market is robust and active. “We keep it very neat and clean to make everyone welcome, whether new vendors or repeat visitors. I think that’s a big part of our growth” she added.
“One of the biggest payoffs to us has been the friends who stop by so often. Many come every week and are interested in how we are doing and the latest of our family news,” she noted. “Our business values have to do with fairness to all. We have great vendors who work hard to supply items at a fair price, and we view the sale of merchandise from 49 South as win/win for the customer and the vendor!”
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